In today’s competitive job market, transitioning from military service to civilian employment can be challenging. A well-crafted CV is crucial for showcasing your skills and experience to potential employers. We specialize in creating military CVs that effectively translate your military experience into language that resonates with civilian employers. Our comprehensive service ensures that your CV stands out, highlighting your unique qualifications and achievements.

Why Choose a Military CV Writing Service?

Transitioning from the military to a civilian career involves more than just changing jobs; it requires a complete rebranding of your professional identity. Military roles and accomplishments are often difficult for civilian employers to understand. A military CV writing service can bridge this gap by:

  • Translating military jargon into civilian terminology.
  • Highlighting transferable skills that are relevant to civilian job roles.
  • Showcasing leadership, discipline, and strategic thinking that military personnel are known for.

Key Components of a Military CV

Creating an effective military CV involves several key components. Each section of the CV should be tailored to emphasize your strengths and experiences in a way that appeals to civilian employers.

Contact Information

Start with your contact information at the top of the CV. This should include:

  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn profile (if applicable)

Professional Summary

A professional summary is a brief statement at the beginning of your CV that highlights your most relevant experience and skills. This section should be tailored to the job you are applying for and include:

  • A summary of your military experience
  • Key skills and accomplishments
  • Career goals and how they align with the position you’re seeking

Military Experience

Detail your military experience in a way that highlights your transferable skills. For each role, include:

  • Job title
  • Branch of service
  • Dates of service
  • Duties and responsibilities translated into civilian terms
  • Achievements and awards


Your education section should list all relevant degrees, certifications, and training. Include:

  • Degree or certification
  • Institution name
  • Graduation date
  • Relevant coursework or training


The skills section should be a list of your most relevant abilities. Focus on:

  • Technical skills
  • Soft skills (e.g., leadership, communication)
  • Certifications and licenses

Additional Sections

Depending on your experience, you may also include additional sections such as:

  • Volunteer work
  • Professional affiliations
  • Languages spoken
  • Publications and presentations

Tips for Writing a Military CV

Creating a military CV requires careful attention to detail. Here are some tips to ensure your CV is effective:

Use Civilian Language

Avoid military jargon and acronyms that civilian employers may not understand. Instead, translate your experience into terms that are widely recognized in the civilian workforce.

Highlight Transferable Skills

Focus on skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Leadership, strategic planning, and problem-solving are all highly valued in the civilian sector.

Quantify Your Achievements

Whenever possible, use numbers to quantify your achievements. This can include the number of people you managed, budgets you handled, or projects you completed.

Tailor Your CV to the Job

Each job application is unique, and your CV should be tailored to match the specific requirements of the position. Highlight the experience and skills that are most relevant to the job.

Proofread and Edit

A well-written CV is free of errors. Proofread your CV carefully and consider having a professional review it to ensure it’s polished and professional.

Benefits of Using Military CV Writing Service

Choosing us for your military CV writing needs comes with several benefits:

Expertise in Military Transitions

Our team has extensive experience helping military personnel transition to civilian careers. We understand the unique challenges you face and know how to effectively translate your skills and experience.

Personalized Service

We offer a personalized approach, working with you to understand your career goals and tailor your CV to highlight your strengths. Our goal is to help you stand out in a competitive job market.

Professional Quality

Our professional writers are skilled at creating high-quality CVs that are clear, concise, and impactful. We ensure your CV is free of errors and formatted to industry standards.


Creating a compelling CV can be time-consuming. By using our service, you can save time and focus on preparing for job interviews and other aspects of your job search.

How to Get Started

Getting started with it is easy. Follow these steps to create your professional military CV:

  1. Contact Us: Reach out to our team to discuss your needs and career goals.
  2. Provide Information: Share your military experience, education, and any other relevant information.
  3. Review Draft: We will create a draft of your CV for you to review and provide feedback.
  4. Finalize: After making any necessary revisions, we will finalize your CV and provide you with a polished, professional document.


Transitioning from the military to a civilian career can be challenging, but with a professionally written CV, you can effectively showcase your skills and experience. We offers expert military CV writing services designed to help you stand out in the job market. With our personalized approach and professional quality, you can confidently pursue your career goals.


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